
PhotobucketPrincessCinderella:"This blog is my personal blog it serves as my on-line diary about my thoughts, rambling and struggles in life.I write all about the things that are important to me my family, friends, work and some people I've meet in this world. You don't have to agree on everything that I say, but somehow you are free to read.So enjoy your stay!"Photobucket

The history of Valentines Day

It's February 14 now...”Happy Valentines to all”...Let me tell you the history of valentines day..hmmm...The origin of the Valentines Day is shrouded in mystery and there are varying opinions about it. Its origin has become theme of many legends. St. Valentines Day as we celebrate today has remnants of both Christian and ancient Roman traditions. According to some legends Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying his decree, which outlawed marriage for young men.

Some legends have it that the Valentines Day originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity on Feb. 14, 269 A.D. Today the Roman Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine, all of whom were martyred. St. Valentine may have been imprisoned and later killed for helping Christians to escape harsh punishment in Roman prisons.

There is an interesting story portraying the love affair between St. Valentine and the jailor's daughter. St. Valentine left a farewell note for her, the note read- "from your Valentine². Valentine's Day is said to have started in the Roman Empire. In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday to honor Juno. Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses. The Romans regarded her as the Goddess of women and marriage. The following day, February 15th, began the festival of Lupercalia, in honor of Lupercus, the hunter of wolves. Legends aside, the popularity of the Valentines Day rose manifold among the people and in tune with it Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor St. Valentine, the patron saint of love and romance. (source:internet..i forgot the site)

***Well honestly I don't like Valentines Day!wanna know why?cause every valentine I don't have a date..hahaha...silly right?but that's And although i do have a boyfriend now,he's not here so I still I don't have a date ("don't feel bad hun, i do understand everything")..well talking to him this morning is a very nice feeling, he's not here physically but I felt he's presence (" I love you hun")...I'm not sure if I go out with my girls friends (theresa and beverly) right now to watch a movie, we're still debating on it..hahaha....To all my friends single and taken "Happy Valentines Guys!"mwah....***

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0 Cinderella's Commentos:

~"In Life many of us have done fighting in every way to survive, heard every painful truth, been in every heartbreaking scene and felt every dreadful feeling. We thought going through it will then make us realized that we have to stop the fight, to atleast save a little of ourselves. But you know whats funny? It's when it seems that we are so much tired of it, but still we can't just quit no matter how hard it is and we continue hoping that one day..well be able to find someone who could love us, not just "right" but "real"~
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