Yehey!I already finished the season 1 and season 2 of Heroes. Before I watched Heroes on cable, but their are times that I can skip an episode of it, due to my busy schedule..hahaha. So my friend Hannah told me to buy a DVD of season 1 and season 2 of Heroes, of course it's pirated..hahaha..well I don't care as long as I can watch Heroes. Well I'm kinda love the season 1 more than season 2, season 1 of Heroes is more into action while the season 2 is full of emotions but I like it by the way as long as Peter Petrelli is there ("my ultimate crush in Heroes, he can absorb power from someone who has a power , it's like he's a synopsis of all the powers you can see in Heroes series.He can fly, he can heal he's wounds, he can be invisible and many more...Cool right?that's why he's my favorite character and of course he's good looking too..haha"). The season 2 is leave me hanging (bitin masyado..grrr), that's why I'm still waiting for season 3 now. I can't wait to see Peter again.
1 Cinderella's Commentos:
Nice of you to finish watching Heroes :D. I'm more into House M.D. than heroes :D medical comedy kasi
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