
PhotobucketPrincessCinderella:"This blog is my personal blog it serves as my on-line diary about my thoughts, rambling and struggles in life.I write all about the things that are important to me my family, friends, work and some people I've meet in this world. You don't have to agree on everything that I say, but somehow you are free to read.So enjoy your stay!"Photobucket

Learning in a new way

Since my brother is in college he’s homework usually involves research online particularly making history paper or history essay. While he’s browsing he found this interesting website that can help him with he’s research. I’m talking about Course Hero, Course Hero is a website intended for college students, it is a proprietary for-profit database of student-contributed materials whose credibility, value, and academic integrity. A social network for student who wants to study academic courses and also this site could help you find study partners or tutors, who offer services as paid tutors.

Course Hero mission is to enhance college education to new heights by enhancing a student's theoretical understanding with a student's direct application of such theories in today's real-life examples. This website surely can motivate college student out there, you’re not just learning but having fun as well. Meeting different kinds of people around the globe, learn new things in a new perspective way. For college student just visit Course Hero now and be part of the league. And lastly what good about it if you have a Facebook account you can access and view documents posted on Course Hero once you either contributed course related documents, you can invite friends as well or become a monthly subscriber.

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0 Cinderella's Commentos:

~"In Life many of us have done fighting in every way to survive, heard every painful truth, been in every heartbreaking scene and felt every dreadful feeling. We thought going through it will then make us realized that we have to stop the fight, to atleast save a little of ourselves. But you know whats funny? It's when it seems that we are so much tired of it, but still we can't just quit no matter how hard it is and we continue hoping that one day..well be able to find someone who could love us, not just "right" but "real"~
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